Welcome to FingerprintZone.com, the website where you can learn everything about fingerprinting, its history, and its present day use. This website contains informative and useful articles on the subjects of Human Fingerprinting, DNA Fingerprinting, and Fingerprint Services and Products. We also have a database of businesses that offer livescan fingerprinting.

Fingerprints have been used as a means of identification for well over 2,000 years. Over the past century, the fingerprinting process has become more sophisticated, and it has been put to many more uses. Learn the science behind the fingerprint.

Since the discovery of DNA fingerprinting in 1985, there has been tremendous progress made in the methodology of extracting DNA samples. The main types of DNA fingerprinting methods are RFLP, PCR, AmpFLP, and STR.

Background checks, live scan fingerprinting, notary public, and mobile notaries are four of the most popular fingerprinting services for today's businesses. These services use fingerprinting to verify, authenticate, and identify their customers.

There are various products that utilize fingerprinting to enhance our daily lives. Fingerprint time clocks, scanners, door locks, safes, kits, powder, and ink pads are a few of the products available for personal, commercial, and government use.